Saturday, March 04, 2006

Winds of Change

Life expectancies has increased in my lifetime with healthier lifestyles for all. I can expect to work at least 20+ more years. After spending the first 20+ years maturing into an adult. The second 20+ years of my life raising 5 children; doing the homemaker/homeschooler thing; our 5 children are finally reaching our goals of being intelligent adults who will make a difference in our world. It is time to think and re-plan.

Time to sink my roots deeply into the soil and draw in the nutrients I need for our future. I have been torn between my family's needs and my needs. In reality my needs are also my family's needs. My family also needs me to be a healthy individual.

My branches moan, all my family have ever seen me do in the past is pour out my heart and soul into their growth and the growth of our family at the expense of my emotional and physical health. I was bent and sagging as the Weeping Willow.

I wish to stand tall as the Oak with arms outstretched. So I pull up my branches and shake them in the winds of change. Stretching out my branches and digging in my roots. We all cry out in shock. Doing so upsets the soil and bumps my branches.

I feel good. The warmth of the air surrounding me is good. Yet the past tears at me, pulling me, trying to bend me back. See me as who I am. God does not make junk, I am good.


At 9:20 PM , Blogger Janinine Skisses said...

I can express myself so much more effectively on paper. Speaking what is in my heart ties my tongue; but my thoughts flows freely from my mind, through my heart, to my hands.


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