Wednesday, January 25, 2006

just talking

I spent the day with my daughter yesterday until her trip back to Florida for her internship. A young confident woman has replaced the little girl that I once knew. It was nice to spend one of my vacation days with her.

I sometimes wish I could move to Florida, but yet I am still committed to raising our last 2 sons at home. We agreed 14 years ago to homeschool our children, a decision I am not sorry we made, but amazed at the sacrifice that I had no idea I was about to make. Only a couple more years left. Perhaps then... and yet I love my home in my home town.

Amazing what 25 years of marriage and raising 5 children can do (25th anniversary is Mar. 21st). It was not easy and not always pleasant. I am a different person now and refuse to stifle my opinions and wants, for peace in my family. My husband was shocked to find out that I don't agree with him as I once did and all hell broke loose when I finally decided to be me. More on that later.


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